Monday 21 April 2014

We can help you!

Welcome to KaliYugaHelp.
After several failed attempts of handling some critical situations and solving some old problems in the manner I thought God would want me to handle and solve(the nice-ass way, about whom everybody is frignorant), I finally gave up on Karma and decided to take help from Satan. It was helpful, very helpful indeed, and the best thing about it was that it was EASY! So finally, I apologized to God for the last time and took the other road. "Oh!" You must be thinking,  "Doesn't it lead to hell?" Well, I don't really know about the destination but I do know that the journey is worth it. This fun way of leading your life is exactly what KaliYugaHelp is all about! For all those 'Godsend' people whose lives deserve a makeover with a little help from Satan, we are ready to help. Just tell us your problem(s) and Satan will be at your service from thereon. After all, it's nothing but sin that obscures the soul.

"An apology for the Devil: It must be remembered that we have only heard one side of the case. God has written all the books."  - SAMUEL BUTLER